Being able to know about genital herpes symptoms in women, including blister appearance on the genitals, vaginal sores, female genital warts and unusual discharge from the vagina. Also pain in the muscles will assist in the ability of the doctors to early diagnose genital herpes in women and timely treatment of this condition. Out of the two strains of the herpes virus that cause genital herpes symptoms in women and men, in which one is named Type 1 Herpes Simplex and the other one Herpes Simplex Type 2, Type 2 is responsible for the occurrence of genital herpes which is an STD. One contracts genital herpes and starts exuding these female genital herpes symptoms through the exposure to this virus by directly contacting the skin of the person who is infected with this condition. Even though this genital herpes can affect both men and women, the women are at a higher risk of contracting genital herpes due to the fact that there is moistening of their genital area by the body fluids. Genital herpes symptoms in women happen more times than in men. A woman’s immune system also goes down at menstruation therefore making her more predisposed to getting female genital herpes.
When a woman is infected by the herpes virus, there is a possibility of it never leaving her body, even after the genital herpes symptoms have subsided. It is possible for it to remain dormant for many years and then at one point after being triggered through stress or illness, the signs of genital herpes might again resurface. For this to be avoided, timely herpes treatment is necessary. After infection, genital herpes symptoms in women may actually appear after taking a couple of weeks. In the early stages, some of the common symptoms include different textured/colored discharge from the vagina, burning and itching in the vagina and region around it and burning/painful sensation while urinating. Swelling is experienced in the groin’s lymph nodes and there is bloating of the abdomen. Other genital herpes outbreaks in women include the spread of itching to the upper legs and buttocks as well. There are some women who develop flu-like symptoms of headache, fever, pain in joints and muscles, nausea, buttock soreness and soreness in upper legs.
Other forms of the herpes simplex virus are mouth herpes(fever blisters, cold sores), vaginal sores, lysine herpes and female genital warts. If you have sores on your genitals, a doctor can take a sample from a sore and look for the herpes simplex virus (HSV). There are various methods of testing for herpes, such as herpes blood test and other common herpes tests.